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Filtering by Tag: Ocean pollution

Incredible 3D-Printed Bra Designed to Absorb Ocean Pollutants

Maxi Cohen

Incredible 3D-Printed Bikini Gets Rid Of Ocean Pollution While You Swim. (via Elite Daily)

A group of researchers at the University of California, Riverside have "created a 3D-printed bikini with a sponge-like material to allow the suit to repel water while absorbing pollutants. The product is simply called the SpongeSuit.

According to Huffington Post, the material goes inside the suit’s outer cage and is made using a form of heated sucrose, allowing it to act like a sponge without absorbing ocean water. The 3D-printed shell is made using a lightweight carbon-based material.

The purpose of the bathing suit is to help get rid of ocean pollution."